Wednesday 22 January 2014

Sustainability Week 3

OK so I've not posted anything for a while on here. Work's been super busy what with first pot of  €70bn research funding up for grabs, I've just not had time to be able to dump more mind ramblings on this blog.

Anyway, here goes.

Week 3 of the sustainability MOOC and it's all about food. (Awesome!) I was hoping for a few sustainable recipes maybe, but perhaps that can come towards the end of the week??

I was quite shocked to find out from the videos of the Cripps house on University Park Campus. University of Nottingham, that little things like having an empty fridge is more energy consumptive (if that isn't a word...I'm claiming it as a new one!) than having one filled with items. There was a really good suggestion by the Nottingham academic about having bottles of water in the fridge too to save energy - Think I'll have to do that.

By the way if you want to get more information about the Creative Energy Homes at the University of Nottingham, you can get this here:

I've not completed week 3 currently so I may update the blog again shortly, depending on if I want another rant, or the cogs start turning again...
Oh yeah, that's another thing - (sorry, my mind goes off on random tangents sometimes, bear with me!) There's a new road layout on my way to work and on my 30 mile commute it's the last half mile to get to work (and the first half mile going home). Previously it would take me perhaps a minute or two to complete this stretch of road which includes two roundabouts, a speed camera (not a problem, honestly!) and a traffic light.

still with me? Now...


Since the road got changed, (very recently I might add) it's taking me 10 times a long to do the same stretch! that's between 10 and 20 minutes, crawling along, stopping, starting - all the while burning fuel.

Surely that's reversing all my efforts to be sustainable?!?!

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